Danny & Letty Mercado: Letting Our Identity In Christ Be Our Main Motivation

Episode 33 September 20, 2023 01:19:09
Danny & Letty Mercado: Letting Our Identity In Christ Be Our Main Motivation
We Are Vineyard
Danny & Letty Mercado: Letting Our Identity In Christ Be Our Main Motivation

Sep 20 2023 | 01:19:09


Show Notes

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Dany and Letty Mercado about each of their immigration stories and how they met in a Catholic church choir in Chicago. Dany shares how his life was derailed by his parents’ divorce and how the Lord orchestrated his path to repentance. Dany and Letty describe their journey in bi-vocational ministry while raising a family, doing Holy Spirit ministry in the Catholic church, attending Moody Bible Insitute while ministering in a Baptist church, and their introduction to the Vineyard through worship, and they share about how continually saying yes to the Lord has impacted their marriage and ministry. 

Dany and Letty pastor La Viña Gurnee in Illinois. In 2009 the Mercados joined the Vineyard, and after working for more than 15 years in youth ministry (and Dany leading worship), they were challenged to plant a bilingual Hispanic Church. This is how La Viña Gurnee was founded (with 6 other people) in November 2013.

Currently, Dany and Letty serve as the Midwest North Regional Leaders as well as Area Leaders for the Southern Wisconsin Vineyard Churches/Chicago Las Viñas. Dany is also part of Ruben Quintero’s team for the Hispanic Association (Las Viñas). 

Dany and Letty have been married for 29 years and have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.

Show Notes: 

Register for the Personal Development Course through the Hispanic Association or email [email protected] for more info! 

Vineyard Worship resources en español


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