Josh and Candy Brown: Brain Science, Faith, And A Personal Testimony of Healing

Episode 13 April 26, 2023 01:17:18
Josh and Candy Brown: Brain Science, Faith, And A Personal Testimony of Healing
We Are Vineyard
Josh and Candy Brown: Brain Science, Faith, And A Personal Testimony of Healing

Apr 26 2023 | 01:17:18


Show Notes

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with return guests Josh and Candy Brown about their personal experience with physical healing and finding freedom from demonic oppression. Josh shares about how experiencing demonic activity challenged his theology, and how his intimate knowledge of brain science allowed him to assess the situation as it was happening. They also talk about traveling around the world with a healing ministry and watching miraculous things happen while not receiving their own breakthrough, some of the conclusions they’ve come to about the need for regular deliverance ministry in the church, and their goal of demystifying the whole process.  Joshua Brown (PhD, Boston University) is Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University. He directs the Cognitive Control laboratory at IU, which focuses on functional brain imaging, higher cognitive function, addiction, psychopathology, transcranial electrical neurostimulation, computational neural modeling, and artificial intelligence.  He has authored over 79 peer-reviewed scientific papers in all of these areas, and his work has been featured on the Discovery Channel, NPR, the New York Times, Fox news, and numerous other national and international media. He also directs the graduate program in Neuroscience at Indiana University and serves as the Director of the Global Medical Research Institute, whose work has been featured recently in the documentary film Send Proof. Candy Gunther Brown (Ph.D. Harvard University) is Professor of Religious Studies, Indiana University, and author or editor of six books, including Testing Prayer: Science and Healing and Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools: Reforming Secular Education or Reestablishing Religion? Media coverage includes The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Religion Dispatches, The Conversation, Huffington Post Live, Psychology Today, Mindful Leader, National Catholic Register, Atheist Yoga, Interfaith Voices, and Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.  Show notes:  Register now for the 2023 VUSA National Conference this summer: “Empowered” Pentecost series – Hear Josh and Candy on a previous episode of We Are Vineyard!:  New York Times Article about Josh and Candy: Christ The Healer by F.F. Bosworth: Pablo Bottari deliverance materials:

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