Paul Zahl: Thriving In Life, Ministry, and The Last Third Of Life

Episode 35 October 04, 2023 01:09:47
Paul Zahl: Thriving In Life, Ministry, and The Last Third Of Life
We Are Vineyard
Paul Zahl: Thriving In Life, Ministry, and The Last Third Of Life

Oct 04 2023 | 01:09:47


Show Notes

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Paul Zahl about soul care as we transition through different life stages. Paul shares how our internal life changes as we move from the busyness of mid-life into a slower third stage of life, why it’s crucial to deal with unhealed trauma and the harmful effects of habitually suppressing feelings. Jay and Paul discuss the difference between meddling and helping in mentoring relationships, the necessity of finding ways to have fun and laugh, and the life-changing opportunities in real listening. Finally, Paul shares some encouragement for Vineyard Pastors.  

Paul Zahl is a retired Episcopal minister with 48 years of ordained service. He attended Harvard College, the University of Nottingham, and Tuebingen University in Germany, where he received his doctorate in systematic theology in 1993. He has served parishes in Washington, D.C.; New York City and Westchester County, NY; Charleston, S.C.; and Birmingham, AL, where he was Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral.  He later became Dean/President of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. He has written 11 books.

Paul and his wife of almost 50 years, Mary, have three adult sons, all of whom are in full-time Christian service.

Show Notes: 

Peace in the Last Third of Life by Paul Zahl

More of Paul’s books

PZ’s Podcast by Mockingbird Ministries (directed by Paul’s son David)


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